I've uploaded some additional pics for your viewing pleasure. Today, the drillers should wrap up as they only have one more well to go and I bet they want their drill rig and 'ditch witch' back (that's been sitting in my front yard all weekend). The HVAC guys are going to install the new air handler in the attic plus the additional duct work. I'm not sure but they may also do some work down in the crawl space as well. The owner stopped by on Saturday and seemed to indicate that inspection would be on Tuesday.
Here's the return/supply line installation (before the drillers go there). |
Here's the grey goo that is all over my front yard. My guess is that it's bentonite clay that they use to fill in the well once they put in the piping. If you feel it with your fingers is very fine, almost silky, material which lends me to believe that it's an engineered product and not natural (aka didn't come up from the well). |
Here's the silt fence they erected to hold back the grey goo from flowing down into my neighbors driveway. They had to put up a second 'layer' to contain the stuff. | | |
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Here's where the return/supply line enter the house. | |
Oh yeah...and hopefully my dishwasher will finally be fixed too.
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