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Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Wow, its been cold outside.  It's 21.7F outside now with a predicted high of 34F.  That's roughly same forecast as yesterday.  And probably going to be the same for tomorrow. So, I know you've all been's the new insulation?'s tough to determine because I don't have a baseline to draw from.  Unfortunately I don't have a "before" and "after" because it hasn't been this cold out since I've had my TED.  Just for fun, let's look at the past couple days, shall we?

Day        -  kWh        - Cost         -  Temps (from using closest neighborhood meter)
Tuesday - 114 kWh, cost = $11.40, avg temp = 30F, max = 34F, low = 28F (I saw 25F)
Monday - 126 kWh, cost = $12.59, avg temp = 28F, max = 32F, low =25F (agree)
Sunday - 117 kWh , cost = $11.74, avg temp = 26F, max = 36F, low = 14F (I don't recall this cold?)
Saturday - 98 kWh, cost = $9.78, avg temp = 34F, max = 43F, low = 25F (about right)

Sunday is when we installed the insulation.  Just keep in mind that I had the HVAC system fully off for about 4 hours, so that is more than likely skewing the electricity values.  Monday and Tuesday are showing more usage...but then again, the temps are definitely lower.  Not to mention we were home all day (snowed, then iced in).  We'll see how today and tomorrow compare to see if that shows a difference.

Either way, this is crazy usage, and I'm sure I'll come up with new swears when the electric bill shows up.

Still no quote yet from the HVAC guy.  I'm giving him a break due to the nasty southeast weather.

Oh...and today I plan on contacting the guy who did my energy audit to see if he can come over with his thermal camera and check out where all my heat is  walls? floors?  something else?  That may determine what my next project is....

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